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2015 Milestones and awards

Wolgast Employee-Owners recognized for 2015 milestones and other awards at our Quarterly Employee Development Meeting on December 4, 2015:

30 Year Service Award: Keith LaPratt (no photo)


20 Year Service Award: Mike Willett



10 Year Service Awards: (front row l-r) Vince Drumright, Mike Lucik, Chris Kuhl, Greg Tyra, Aaron Grove



Client Letters of Goodwill Recognition: (l-r)  Aaron Grove, Rich Ramsey, Jeremy Wagner, Judy Rauch, John Curtiss, Sanford Stagg, Jeff Dumka, Stephanie Wiegandt, Chris Laudenslager (not included - Keith LaPratt)



100% Vested in ESOP:  Neil Frank


Congratulations to these fine employee-owners for all their hard work and commitment to Wolgast Corporation and Wolgast Restoration!!