Design & Construction Experts, specialized in creating commercial space for Doctors, Dentists, Schools, Manufacturers, Restaurateurs and Other Business Owners
Each industry has unique building needs, so Wolgast will tailor an experienced team to complete professional and quality design and/or construction to satisfy the end users, their staff and clients. Wolgast is capable of constructing most commercial or industrial buildings, however we do have specific areas of expertise.
Restaurant Contractor
Our General Contracting Division is known as one of the top restaurant construction experts in the State of Michigan. Speed, accuracy, and professional manpower allow us to successfully build stores for national and local restaurateurs, satisfaction guaranteed.
Housing Construction
Wolgast is licensed to build in several states other than Michigan and has worked with developers to build multi-family housing structures in Florida, Arkansas, Georgia, and Michigan. Because we are systemized for efficiency, we are able to provide high quality construction on an expedited schedule to get multi-units available quickly for tenants.
Healthcare Construction
Our Design-Build services are ideal for modern medical, dental, physical therapy, chiropractic and veterinary offices, to name a few, because of the complexity and skill level to create a design for functional patient flow, organize space for specialty equipment, and make patients feel comfortable from the waiting room to the exam room. The form and function of our healthcare design and construction is achieved by quality and professional service.
K-12 School Construction Management
Our Construction Management (CM) Division has worked statewide with Michigan School Districts, many as repeat customers. CM team members appreciate the three-legged team of Owner-Architect-Construction Manager to create educational space for future generations. As part of the three-legged team, we contribute facility assessments, bond campaign guidance, plan constructability review, estimating, and construction supervision through warranty management.
Manufacturing Construction
Design-Build is also suitable for Manufacturers. The mixed-use space of office and warehouse or plant benefits from the three phased approach that provides early budget information for the Owner to make an informed business decision. Additionally, Wolgast can design and erect metal buildings used in many industrial plants.