Safety is an important aspect of any business but especially in construction, where a little accident can have serious impacts to those involved; the trades people on site, the owner, and the contractor. First and foremost, it is our concern to keep all of our workers healthy, so they can go home to their family each night and be a consistent provider both physically and financially, as well as a reliable contributor to our team. That’s why it’s important to have a General Contractor who is not only following the codes and regulations, but has incorporated a culture of safety into their operations.
Posts about Safety on Site
Staying Open During Construction
Busy Business Owners Can Build, Too
It’s a classic case: a thriving company is busting at the seams and needs to remodel or add to their building to make room for future business, but the thought of construction stopping or slowing production stifles the owner from taking the risk of expanding. So what is a business owner to do? Instead of putting it off until they lose business because they can’t accommodate any more customers, they should find a contractor that will work with them to keep their operations running during construction.
Guess: Which Profession Has no Room for Errors?
I caught a rerun of Family Feud on GSN recently and the question was posed, “What profession has no room for errors?” They featured seven possible answers. I automatically thought of physicians, which was the top answer. After that, it became a little tougher. Police officer was up there, but neither pilot nor bus driver were. So what else could it be that 100 American people thought? I was on the edge of my seat to find out. Then they said it, "Construction"! Of course, being in the industry I know this, but I didn’t know that the majority of people on Family Feud would have thought of it.
Construction Scheduling for Dental Offices
Continually meet with patients throughout construction
Dentists sometimes put off improvements to their building space due to the anticipated disruption of their business. Determining how to remodel their office or relocate to a new space when a practice can’t survive without an active patient load can feel like a big risk. However, I’m here to tell you that it's possible to remodel, renovate or relocate a dental office with minimal impact to your practice when you use a professional contractor.
Construction Safety on School Grounds
We’ve all heard that with great power comes great responsibility, but it’s especially true with the power equipment and tools used on school construction sites. Student safety becomes a big deal as School Districts continue to make updates and renovate their existing/occupied buildings. It’s a big deal also due to the increase of “strangers” who enter the school grounds to work on a construction project. This is demonstrated by the increasing efforts of schools to qualify visitors before they’re allowed to enter school buildings.
Tips for moving into your new Medical/Dental Office
As your new medical/dental office is about ready to be moved into, are you ready? Here are some experienced helpful tips from Wolgast to make the move go easy and not impact you or your employees in a negative way.