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Educational Enhancement the Wolgast Way

Construction Management Education Enhancement

As we hear more and more about STEM education and how important it is to expose your students to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math as fields of study, Wolgast offers programs to introduce construction practices to your students during our construction projects at your school.  We call it Educational Enhancement and it has the flexibility to be tailored to your students in many different scenarios.

Our School Facilities Specialists and Field Managers work with your Curriculum Director to create a unique experience for your students, either as a class in a group setting, as individuals in work study, or who as hired summer interns.  Classroom groups are able to visit the site and have an educational opportunity appropriate to their age group, to showcase construction as a profession and how their current studies apply to real world scenarios. Conversely, in the past, we have taken on senior level students who are interested in construction or a related industry as a profession and provided independent study or summer internships.

This is part of our School Construction Management services at no additional charge.  We feel that it's a great benefit for our school clients and also a great opportunity for the future of the construction industry.  Likewise, our Field Managers are happy to show-off to the kids what we’re doing and how it relates to their STEM studies.

Additionally, our Construction Management Department is significantly experienced in K-12 school construction.  By significantly specialized, I mean we’ve done over $2 Billion of in-place construction for K-12 schools throughout Michigan.  We know school construction and can teach your students real world experience on a building that is near and dear to them.

See an example of a program we developed for Northview Schools and one of their students who was interested in architecture as a profession.


Example of Educational Enhancement


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