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Four Key Site Selection Factors before Purchasing Commercial Property

Key Site Selection Factors

When searching for commercial property you can and should rely on your realtor for many key details and features of the site that will benefit your business. That being said, there are details that only a Design/Build partner can help you make a more complete, educated decision. With the Architect and Contractor on the same team, they will review the site together and determine obstacles and costs quickly. Specifically, Design/Build contractors are looking for infrastructure, constructability, and challenges of a site that could potentially add cost to a construction budget or schedule.

Our Site Selection Evaluation services include the following:

  1. Space Availability - for instance, when you contract with a Design/Builder, the team architect will be able to offer building layout options including the appropriate parking lot space needs per ordinance requirements. This will help you determine if the arrangement will work well for you.
  1. Regulatory Restrictions - a search for municipal codes and ordinances that may flag obstacles for your intended use.
  1. Utility Search – your budget will increase if utilities aren’t readily available.
  1. Overcoming Site Challenges - should you discover that the site has challenges; you may be able to make alterations so that it will be suitable for your use. The key to using a Design/Build contractor is that the industry professionals can provide an educated, ballpark estimate to help you make a go or no-go financial decision early in the process. For instance, if you need to clear more of the site than you anticipated, there’s no road to your property, or if the site isn’t level and extensive accommodations need to be made to your foundation, it may still be worth the investment for your business goals or it may be cost prohibitive, but you won’t know without a rough estimate of the associated costs.

By adding a trusted Design/Builder to your team prior to shopping for commercial property, we can walk the site with you, check the background on the property, and provide assistance with your selection process to avoid headaches and unexpected expense.


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