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Wolgast Blog - Construction Trends, Tips and Information

Get commercial construction questions answered by a professional contractor sharing building trends, tips and information

Remodel Your Commercial Office to Be More Modern

Easy Ways to Update Your Look

Who doesn’t want to be known for always having the most modern looking office, comfortable staffers, or the ability to attract customers because their place of business is so fresh and enticing? The problem, we understand, it’s cost prohibitive and not a great investment to complete a remodel every year to keep up with new trends. However, there are some classic and cost effective changes that can help set you up well for the future.

Wolgast Corporation Marks 75th Anniversary

Wolgast Corporation Marks 75th Anniversary!

Saginaw, MI - For the first 52 years, the Wolgast family owned and operated Wolgast Corporation. Started by Gerald Wolgast as G.H. Wolgast Masonry in 1948, his motto of “Do it right the first time, every time” has been his legacy that still steers the company today. Gerald’s sons, Lynn and the late Patrick and Mark Wolgast left their own legacy on the general contracting company by diversifying to include Design-Build and Construction Management services, helping start the local Associated Builders and Contractors Association Chapter, and forging a relationship with McDonald’s Corporation in the 1980s. Since then, we have built close to 300 new or rebuilt McDonald’s restaurants and remodeled nearly twice that many. The Wolgast brothers also chose to succeed their business to the employees and started the process of becoming an Employee-Owned Company in 2000. Soon after, they named Brian Stadler as President, marking the first time that a non-family member held such a key position.

Entering Retail Space as a Non-Retailer

(Updated 2/20/23) Retail real estate has shrunk over the past three years according to CBRE’s report “US Real Estate Market Outlook 2023”. With less retail construction happening, there is less opportunity for businesses to move into this type of space. Malls and retail centers that have been struggling in recent years are now finding opportunities by converting to mixed use.

Strategies to Keep Your Restaurant Open during Construction

A restaurant owner may need to update their restaurant because it’s no longer functioning well, it’s required by their franchisor, or they are just seeking an updated look. Some owners believe that they have to shut down for a length of time and go without income, risking their staff leaving and being burdened by ongoing bills.

Wolgast’s 5 Types of Commercial Construction Services

Having five options for your construction delivery means you can use a builder that provides the most efficiency, value, expertise, and flexibility you need. You can build with speed, quality, and customer service support that best suits your project type.

Why is Wolgast Thankful?


Counting our blessings this Thanksgiving Holiday Season

First and foremost, our faithful customers—new and those who have repeatedly come back to us for each of their building projects.  We appreciate each and every one of you!!

We are thankful for our community within Saginaw, the Great Lakes Bay Region and Michigan as a whole.  We have been in Saginaw County for over 70 years and have built many of the area businesses that surround us as well as many throughout Michigan.  We couldn’t be more proud to drive around our community and be able to say “built it!”.

Your Business Plan and Your Building

A critical element of your business plan is a realistic budget for anticipated expenses, along with possible revenue streams. One of the biggest expenses of a business to factor into the budget is the building cost.

Five of the Best Reasons for a Commercial Building Renovation

Commercial Renovation to Stay Put

Whether you really like your building the way that it is, your location is part of your long-term plan, or financially speaking a new building is out of the question, these are all good reasons to stay where you are.  However, I’d like to share with you a few of the best reasons to consider renovating your current facility.

1)  Improve traffic to your business – we have seen it time and again that renovating a commercial space peaks the interest of people in your community.  It also provides additional promotional opportunities because having a renovated space to talk about creates a steady and interesting social media topic.  Whether you’re a doctor, restaurant, or a school, you consistently want to attract new people to your space, right?  Sharing your remodel should help gain and/or keep followers to communicate the benefits of your services.

Your Building Envelope’s Role in Saving You Money

Keeping your building’s protective barrier, or better known as its envelope, intact, leak free, and in good repair is a great way to avoid spending your hard earned profits on energy costs or damages.  The envelope entails any part of your building structure that keeps outside elements from coming inside when closed.  This includes your roof, EIFS, windows, doors, walls, and even floors which can leak and make your HVAC work harder, or worse let water in to damage your structure and/or office equipment, or cause harmful microbial growth.

Future of Net Zero Energy Buildings for Michigan Business Owners

We hear about energy efficiency, greenhouse gases, renewable energy, and carbon emissions more frequently these days, but maybe not as popular is Net Zero Energy Building or Net Zero Energy Building Ready. These aren’t new concepts, but with the flurry of attention on energy savings, we wanted to check into the current status for Michigan Commercial Building Owners. Since the Michigan Energy Code (2015) was adopted in 2017 in Michigan, how far are our Commercial Building owners from achieving Net Zero Energy Building Ready?

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